Motor boats
Distinctive larger designs…

15′ Dutch pram
Discover the joy of boating with this 15′ Dutch pram boat…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 31
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $52.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

16′ Sea power
A real offshore boat with a cuddy…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 54
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $99.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

16′ Speedboat
Your family and friends will have the time of their life…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 43
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $74.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

16′ Mini camper
Real spacious small motor boat with four bunks, head and pantry…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 93
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $82.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

17′ Motorboat
Real spacious small motor boat with four bunks, head and pantry…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 146
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $74.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

17′ Motorboat mark V
More suited for unprotected waters than the 17′ Motorboat…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 146
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $89.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

17′ Picnic barge
Pack a picnic, grab the family, and set off for a day on the water…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 163
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $74.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

18′ Sea power
A real offshore boat which can be constructed with both a cuddy and a wheelhouse…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 23
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $129.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

21′ Garvey flex
Stable easy build design, a real workboat for diving, fishing and cruising…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 25
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $83.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

27′ Motorboat
This beautiful “little ship” is extremely easy to build even if you’ve never tackled constructing a boat this large before…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 13
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $89.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

27′ Motorboat mark V
More suited for unprotected waters than flat-bottomed boats…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 13
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $149.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…

40′ Tugboat – Take five
A comfortable cruiser – luxury of space. Handles extremely well at sea and it sails like a dream…
Downloadable boat plans available
Builders’ photos
Pictures in the gallery: 10
Purchase these downloadable boat plans now for…
Only $229.95 USD
Boat plans include both US (inches) and metric units
Start planning your new boat within minutes…