Customer testimonials

Our customers have sent us many nice words about the boat plans and service. Here are an extract of the things they wrote. Please note, I quote all customer testimonials verbatim (exactly as they were sent to me).

“Hi there Morten,
Josh Brown in Seattle here. I hope you are doing well.
You might remember me. I purchased your plans for the 13′ combi canoe a while back, and we exchanged a few e-mails. I am developing a propeller driven pedal boat using your hull design.
It is going well so far. I used my cnc machine to cut the parts from your files. It worked beautifully. All of the parts fit together perfectly! I am looking forward to sending you some pictures of the completed project.”
Josh Brown, USA

“I received the plans and think they will work very nicely. I am a first-time boat builder, so I wanted to purchase plans that are easy to understand and work with. What really impressed me was your history as a Naval Architect – I felt very comfortable purchasing plans from someone so knowledgable!
I will be collecting the materials in the coming month or two, but wanted to get the plans, read everything carefully (including the excellent Boat Building Course documents) before starting. Even though I haven’t built a boat before I want to make sure I am ready to begin and do it correctly!
Thank you for the excellent, detailed plans and I will be sure to document with photos as I build my skiff.”
Barry Southers, USA

“I’d like to say thank you for some great boat plans! After several emails (which were answered promptly), I decided to purchase plans for the 17′ Motorboat mark V. After reviewing the boat building course included with the purchase, I was able to make absolute sense of the plans. The course thoroughly explains stitch and glue boat building in terms a beginner can understand. I’m a lot more confident in taking on this challenge. Thanks for the email support. The 3D model is a great plus!”
Rod Vega, New York, USA

“Morten, thank you!
Of all the boat plans and resources I’ve researched online, yours is by far the most thorough and detailed. I look forward to working form your plans and resources provided.”
Roy Page, USA

“First I would like to thank you for putting out the design. I love the pram type hulls. They are attractive and unique to look at (certainly my opinion anyways). They are very impressive in there functionality and load carrying ability. 
I have looked over the plans pretty well and I like what I see so far. I have built another “stich and glue” boat from a well known designer. Your plans are extremely thorough compared to the other. I was quite surprised by the amount of added information you include in the plan price. It is all excellent information and a great reference to have on hand. I think your purchase price is low for what the buyer gets. It is nice to find a great value these days. The pram designs are limited mainly to small tenders and such for the most part so again I am pleased you put out the design in this size.
I am a big fan of the stich and glue method. It opens a lot of possibilities for the amateur builder like myself. I will probably not get started until late summer on the pram. I have quite a bit more confidence now than I did with the previous build. I plan on much more of a high quality build with the pram. I will certainly document it well with photos and send them to you. I would be greatly honored if you used any of the photos of my build. I am one of the people that really enjoy peoples build photos as well. It is true “a picture is worth 1000 words”.
Thanks again for putting out such an attractive design in such a useful 17′ size. I am anxious to get going on the project and will send you plenty of photos when it’s up and going.”
Scott A Souder, USA

“I am sending photos of my completed 13′ J Skiff. It has already logged many miles up and down the Suwannee River in Florida. I am using a 3.5HP Nissan 2-stroke which pushes it along much faster than I ever anticipated. Love my boat and receive many compliments on it.”
Jeff Smith, USA

“I continue to study the plans and must complement you on their completeness.”
Martin Schulman, USA

“I thought you may want to see the finished product. We really enjoyed building the boat. It was a great father son project. We made some slight revisions but in all the plans and pieces when together great. Thanks.”
Andrew Rush, USA

“My name is Amir and I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I bought your plan for 17′ touring canoe and I am very pleased with the plans.”
Amir Hosic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

“I am impressed with all the drawings, very easy to follow, will sent photos in due course.”
Symon Whalvin, Canada

“First I want to thank you for such a fine and detailed set of E- plans. I purchased my set in August 2010. Health issues have only allowed me to dream of that day I lay my first drawing to the wood. I have almost memorized each page. The weather is right, and my itch must now be scratched.
Thank you for your help. I am getting way up in years, but never too old to dream want to play on the water.”
Jim Ellison, USA

“I have found the plans for the 10′ Garvey Flex to be easy to follow, and very thorough. The support that is second to none, with all of my enquiries being answered the very next day.
I had spent about 2 months researching different boat designs that would suit usage in the coastal conditions of Australia. I always wanted to build my own as an experience and wanted something large enough for a motor, but small enough to place on top of a car.
After looking at many plans for small vessels, it was apparent that none of the designs I found could be taken serious as a reliable motor boat at 10 foot in length. Many had a flat bottom and were more likely to be used in small estuaries or as a row boat. The Garvey Flex is a serious design and with my boating experience I can tell that hours of thought has gone into the structure of this boat.
The master course was perfect for beginners and was refreshing for people who have had experience with boat building. 
The 3d model allowed me to grasp the shape and balance components of this vessel so that I was able to predict how the vessel would sit in the water.
I look forward to submitting my pictures as the build continues.
Once Again, Thank you.”
Kyle Portman, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

“I am very satisfied with the plans. As I am building I will take pictures and forward them to you when completed.”
Ed Anderson, USA

“I have downloaded the plans and have also read the Boat Building Master Course. Everything seems to be in order and I am looking forward to starting to build the boat early next year. I will be taking photos of the process as I go along and will send them to you for inclusion on your website.
Thanks for your service so far.”
Tom Hewitt, United Kingdom

“I looked over the plans and I found them perfect for lofting out and constructing my new row boat.”
Kevin Sylvia, USA

“We’ve launched the 13ft skiff out here in Papaya, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines. It was a nice clear morning with fair water conditions. I’ve made some additions to the design as you might have noticed. A raised transom for a mercury long shaft outboard, a console to allow remote steering and add some flair, wooden fish holders, a semi closed bow to make room for the bow mount 36lb trolling motor, a wooden rope cleat and a wooden boat ladder. 
It performed perfectly well. The boat passed beyond our expectations and proved to be a wave cutter, too. I’m happy with this one and I’m now looking to build a bigger one soon. Thanks for the guidance and promp replies. You’ve just made another happy fisherman in the Philippines.”
Chie Hansen, Philippines

“Im very happy with the plans. I had the parts cut out and assembled in 10 hours. I’m fitting a daggerboard slot and mast hole for sailing using an Optimist pram rig.”
Neil Hamilton, USA

“I like the plans and despite the fact it is the first boat I’m building I think I can complete the project with the plans and instructions. I’m happy with the plans. I also believe the plans and everything with it are very much worth the money.”
Sjoerd van der Heijden, Netherlands

“I enjoyed building the Dinghy 18, it’s a nice design with clear instructions. It took about 2 months to build, mostly evenings and weekends.
I’ve attached a few pictures of the boat after the first sea trial. I’m surprised by how stable it is, and very pleased with the handling. I can take sharp turns at nearly full speed and the boat touches the rail to the water and carves a tight arc. I am using a 30hp Honda and getting 21 mph, but the engine is new and I haven’t changed the prop.”
Mario Korf, USA

“Thank you for your kind e-mail. The plans are crystal clear and there’s nothing left out regarding instructions and clues.”
Fernando Rodrigues, Brazil

“This is my first stitch and glue boat, which I am building with my 8 year old son, and I have ben looking a lot on the internet for a boat that had a design that i really liked, looked sturdy enough, and would be feasible for a person with little experience. I found the plans to be excellent, and it was easy for me to understand what to do. But before I read all your manuals and looked at the 3D model, both were very useful.”
Giacomo Bernardi, USA

“I’m very excited to start working on my first build. I’m sure that I have a lot of work to do just taking your boat builder course. I must admit that the course is one of the main reasons that I purchased plans from you. I have looked into several boat building schools but I think that your course books, forum, help pages, and news letter should give me a great start. I love wooden boats and this will probably not be my last build. Thanks.”
Stephen J Heimbach, USA

“My boat is complete and it worked great! I added a layer of fiberglass cloth to the hull. It was a lot of extra work but I feel great about it. The boat is still light enough for me to carry! I’ve attached my pictures. Thank you, again for the plans. They are great.”
Dennis Finn, USA

“Downloaded the plans for the 15′ dinghy with ease, really comprehensive and easy to follow. I’ve spent the last week sourcing materials etc I’ll be in touch when the building starts. Thanks again for a great product no doubt I’ll be back for more!”
Dave Sherlock, Australia

“Morten your awesome bud! It worked right away! No wonder your reviews are so good! At first I was a little worried do too the distance we are apart. ie Canada to Denmark. Hell, I don’t service this good in town.”
Kevin Hanna, Canada

“Greetings from Warsaw, Poland! Mini Camper performs extremely well, and goes through rivers like butter, inside feels spacious and we enjoy traveling with it a lot.” 
Julius Markevicius, Lithuania

“Package looks fine and instructions are idiot-proof. Your service is much better than because you are sending the plans by soft-copy.”
Lamberto Azzi, Dubai

“Thanks for your quick reply. We’ve downloaded all the instructions and are very happy with how detailed they are. The ‘Boat Building Master Courses’ are also very useful and a great surprise.”
Joe Samuel, United Kingdom

“The plans are very good the 3d plans help to give different prospective which is good. The sheet layout drawings will make cut out of panels very easy and minimize waste. 
The Garvey has given me some different ideas and I am thinking about perhaps a front cuddy cabin version something with a bit more cover for passengers and possibly an overnight double berth under the front deck.
Thanks again for great plans and Web.”
Ken Moore, Australia

“Your plans are great, the objectives are clear, with a series of very useful information. I am very satisfied. I ordered the plans for the boat 12′ Row boat and I must say I am very happy with your company and in the future I intend to purchase other projects.
As for the plans, building instruction, Boat Building Master Course and 3D model they are very useful. They are complete, passing the necessary security for those who will start constructing, providing information useful to both beginners and for those who already have some experience.”
Ricardo Pantaleão, Brazil

“Hi, I just wanted to thank you for the very speedy response to my various enquires! Absolutely 1st class service. I’m so impressed. Otherwise, I’m delighted with the plans and Boat Building Course. Thanks again for all the help so far.”
Joe Toole, Ireland

“Morten, I am impressed with the plans, how beautiful this little boat is starting to look (wonderful lines), and especially with your follow-on support! Thank you for your excellent work and your kind and quick responses to my questions!”
Mark Bell, USA

“I want to thank you for the plans I bought, I found it very clear and very explicit so the boat should be easy to build!”
Sorin Radu, Romania

“I did receive all of the materials. I wish I had your course before I built my first boat. I have not yet finished reviewing the plans, but they seem complete and I believe I can follow them with no problems.”
Ralph J Poe, USA

“Many thanks for getting back in touch, I’m finding the plans very useful and of a good quality with useful detail – I have been reading through the Boat building master course and have seen lots of tips which will become very useful one the build begins over the coming weekend, the 3D model is great – it’s a very useful tool, spend a lot of time looking at it while I should be working dreaming of time on my new boat.
Many thanks again for your support. I’ll send some pictures once production is under way.”
Brett Tapping, United Kingdom

“I’ve just completed reading the Boat Building Master Course manual and spent a bit of time studying the drawings, so yes I can say my expectations have been met and exceeded. The 3D model is pretty cool–probably more useful for a more complex build, but pretty cool never the less. I hope to have my materials assembled in the next week or two so I can begin lofting. We’d like to be wet by August so I need to get to it. 
I’ll be in touch as questions inevitably arise, but the instructions seem clear and straightforward so getting on with it seems to be the best first step.
Thanks again, hopefully we’ll be sending you pictures from our successful build soon.”
Chris Null, USA

“Greetings from Estonia. Thank you for the plans and instructions. They are really great. I have never built a boat before but I got inspired by looking at your website and after seeing your building course I was aware it is much easier than I was afraid of.”
Tiit Säga, Estonia 

“I found the whole package to be very complete and the inclusion of the boat builders course makes it a very good value. I have built many scale model radio controlled boats, but never a full scale one. It appears to be very much the same techniques. I’m looking forward to building this boat over the next several months.”
Mark Gustin, USA

“Hi Morten,
Your plans are absolutely great! The attention to every small detail, is what makes your plans the very best I’ve downloaded from the internet to date! I’m looking forward to starting the build of the Garvey 21. I’m in the process at this time of acquiring the materials. Thanks again for such a set of plans…”
Ron J, USA

Thanks for checking back… the plans are exactly what I expected.. extremly easy to understand and should prove a cinch to build….”
Jason Jones, USA

“I had a quick look at the plans and they look very detailed and helpful so I looking forward to using them in the future as I’m sure I will enjoy making something like that. I haven’t started as yet as I am currently finishing of another project but when I do start I certainly will take some photos for you to have an the progress I’m doing.
Thank you once again for everything you have done and the communication and concern you have for your customers.”
Rohan Scolyer, Australia

“Thanks for the follow-up! I have not had a chance to fully read all the information, it really is a well thought out set of information. It is a lot for the price you ask! Just going over it quickly, I think I will finally be able to build my boat. I don’t have a lot of skills in this area, but you provided enough information that I am comfortable that I can do it! I will send photos as I get started.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity.”
Gus Diaz, USA

“I have downloaded the boat plan as well as the boat building master course from your web site without any problem. I am just in the process of studying the plan and the course and I think it is very useful for me.
It is good to have someone experienced in the back when I start with my/your next project, and of course I will send you some pictures. But because of the limited time I think the progress will be slow.”
Torsten Hoffmann, Germany

“Thanks for the follow-up. After reviewing the j skiff, this is exactly what my son and I needed as a first boat project. All of the course material is crystal clear and we look forward to starting this right after Easter. I will be glad to document the project with pix for your files. Thanks again for your support and quick response to my questions.”
Frank McFadden, USA

“I’m not exactly a new builder but the guidelines below are very straight forward and easy to visualize in the processes. You have a great writing style catering for the rookies to experts. Keep up the good work.”
Alloy Gilbert, The Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies

“First, I would like to say thank you for the boat plans. I haven’t started building yet, as I am still gathering supplies, but I have gone over the plans numerous times and have found them to be fantastically detailed and superior to many of the other plans I have purchased online before.”
Shelley C. Stroman, USA

“I have studied the plans constantly since i received them and can’t wait to get into the build, the detail is great and the Master Course is very informative, it should make building my boat a pleasant experience.”
Kelly Carter, Australia

“I have been studying the plans and they look just fine. I do not foresee any problems in trying to read them or in translating them to the plywood. The five part courses are great. They contain a lot of information I needed and they were easy to follow and understand.” 
Marion Gilchrist, USA

“I will be starting the build in about a week, so will keep you posted. Many thanks for clear and precise looking plans.”
John Strange, United Kingdom

“I wish to thank you for the boat plans, which I have received recently and find very useful and up to my expectation.
I have read the Boat Building Master Course and, in general, finds it quite clear. For the parts that are a bit unclear to me, I guess it will become clearer in my second reading and while building the canoe. If I have a problem then, I shall seek your help if you don’t mind.
Again, I wish to thank you for the opportunity you made it possible, for me to build my own canoe, by making those easy to follow plans available.”
Tewfik G. Shehata, Egypt

“I found the Master Courses to be excellent, they answered questions I didn’t even know I had as well as showed me where I goofed up on another build. I don’t know how useful the 3d model will be during the build, right now it’s more inspiration than anything else as I have a picture from the model program printed out and pinned above my monitor at work as a constant reminder of what it’ll look like when I’m done.
I’ve read though the plans a few times and they are quite complete, although I’m sure I’ll have questions when I actually start the build, but all in all I am very pleased with them.”
Andrew Maurer, USA

“I am really enjoying the plans. Based on the amount of information provided, and the quality and quantity of the diagrams, I have to say I am excited about this boat, and impressed with the value of the purchase. The free manuals are a wonderful added bonus.
I have purchased plans from several other designers online, and I believe your plans represent one of the best values out there.”
Michael Black, USA

“Thank You for the note. The information downloaded fine and more than met my expectations. I can not think of any information on the construction of this boat that was not clearly answered.”
Greg Gholson, USA

“All in all, I was absolutely satisfied with your plans, it worth every penny indeed! I enjoyed every hour of the construction, and also happy with the result. Thank you, Morten!”
Janos Benyhe, Hungary

“First of all I would like to thank you for the uncomplicated delivery of the drawings and other technical documents via your website so I immediately used a chance to get first overview on the contents I downloaded. I’m not an expert, actually I don’t have any building experience at all, but it seems to me that drawings are quite understandable for everyone. As I said, this is my first boat (I hope not the last!) and I’m hardly waiting to start with building (currently I’m checking some offers for the building materials and so on), probably I will start with the lofting and cutting steps in the winter time, so that I can assembly it in spring time outside when the weather conditions will be fine for the gluing with epoxy.
Once again, I wish to encourage you for the work you done and for everything you do for your customers in a way you are doing. I am sure you will get a lot of pictures from my working progress. This should be my contribution to your boat-building community growing every day and which is right now going to be bigger for one new member (actually for four members because I’m speaking in the name of my whole family who gives me a great support on this way!).”
Nenad Bozic, Austria

“Thanks. I haven’t begun building as yet, but have reviewed the plans many times. The plans and courses are excellent.”
Steven L. Pasquier, USA

“I am sure I will have a few questions along the way, but the more I read the boat builder master course, the more confident that I am that I can easily build a beautiful 15 foot catamaran. You have done a wonderful job of making the designs and instruction simple and easy to read. Well Done!!!
You can be sure that I will be purchasing another set of plans as soon as I am finished this one.”
David Tyler, USA

“Again, thanks for the drawings. Your customer service is outstanding!”
Tracy Miller, USA

“I printed out the lofting manual. It made perfect sense. I always wondered how to transfer the measurements onto the wood, and now I know!”
John K Albee, USA

“We have had the Garvey Flex out on the sea in 60 cm (2 ft) swell and it feels quite stable. We got hold of a used Mariner 4HP 2 Stroke and that pushes it along quite nicely. The boat is a bit small for 2 people to fish from because there is not much space to put things down or store them. I guess that could be easily fixed with some storage cupboards in the bow and in the seats.
We had a nice family trip the other evening. We sailed from our beach in Saelvig Bay up to Maarup Harbor for an evening drink and back again. It was a beautiful evening and on the way back we watched the sun set and we observed a small school of porpoises quite near to the boat. On that occasion there were 4 of us in the boat and again it handled well.”
David Simmonds, Denmark

“I downloaded successfully the drawings of the 15′ Dinghy. I’m impressed: very complete, even a complete boat building course is included and the drawings are very well documented and complete. 
As this is not my first boat, building will not be a puzzle, thanks to your excellent drawing package. The construction seems straightforward and uncomplicated. The use of the panels is very efficient! Great design!!
For now: thanks again, your designs are great value for the money.”
Erik van Binsbergen, Netherlands

“Yes, I did receive the plans without a problem. Your website is very impressive and easy to use compared to most boating websites. That is a good idea allowing people to download your plans, instead of having to wait two weeks for the plans to arrive via post.
The bonus info you included is very good too. You certainly have put a lot of work into this, and it shows. I have built a sailboat before, so I am not a beginner in stitch and glue, but there is still loads of useful info in your workbooks.”
Eric Davidson, Thailand

“Let me say first, that your plans and service are the best!!!. I have built a couple of boats before and helped friends with there projects, and all I can say is that your plans and service is by far the most superior of anything I have ever seen. Keep up the good work.
I took the Westlawn yacht design course (pen, ink, and vellum) about 23 years ago, I designed and had a 42′ cursing sailboat built for myself (would never attempt that agene), and your work is light-years ahead of anything that I could ever hope to accomplish.”
Dr. Michael Barvitz, Phoenix, Arizona, Baja Norte, Mexico

“The plans I received are very detailed and I am happy with them.”
Duncan Spaargaren, Netherlands

“Thank you for your e-mail. I have not yet begun to build that pram, but I was looking at the plans as I was printing them, and they certainly seem very complete.”
Steve Michaud, USA

“I was able to download all the material according to your instructions. I really appreciate all the material I’ve received and specially your competence and helping. I thank you once again.
At the moment, I’m going into the material, enjoying and learning a lot.”
Alejandro Amor, Argentina

“I found the plans very helpful, they look almost as easy as coloring by number. I am not a woodworker by any means, but my son and I will be working on this together as a summer project.
Thanks for your help and follow-up.”
Carl Greig, USA

“Regarding the Boat building Master Course, It’s a very complete course. The information is very useful. I’ve never built a Stitch and glue boat so this course deliver the information that I need.”
Luis Jorquera, Spain

“I’ve begun to read your building instructions and I find them really interesting and certainly very useful!”
Thierry Bajazet, Guadeloupe island – French West Indies

“Thank you Morten for the plans downloads and for the other information. I found it a most interesting and comprehensive set of plans with easy to understand drawings [and very clear and sharp A4 printing]. I’m an experienced boat builder, having built 8 boats up to 8.6m in length. But I was intrigued by the idea of being able to directly download a set from the web at a moderate cost – and I did so – as much for information as for actual building intention.
I’m impressed with your included materials list and the diagrams showing how to economically cut out all the parts with minimum wastage.
Thanks a lot – a good set of plans and good value for the money. Well done.”
Hugh Murdoch, Australia

“I know nothing about boat design, boat building or boat architecture but I feel as if I have hit a gold mine in the designs you provided. Getting anything on the internet is always a crap shoot, so thank you for making it a pleasant experience.
Your plans are beyond my expectations. I really can’t wait to get started.”
Wayne Lancaster, USA

“Thank you for such a wonderful service. We are thrilled with the plans and extra downloads that came with our package.”
Laura and Mark Tong, United Kingdom

“The plans are more than I expected. Thank you for the hard work you have put into these plans.”
Andy Sanford, USA

“I received the plans on email. Thank you so much. I am quite impressed with the plans. I will send pictures of my boat when I finish.”
Dave Guggenheim, USA

“With my brother-in-law we are feeling very excited about the boat, it’s really incredible and fascinating that with the help of internet and a bit of wood we have now made a boat out of it.”
Juan Roelly, Argentina, living in USA

“I spent last night going through the manuals and they are a great help as there have been parts of the process I have had trouble understanding.”
David Brien, Australia

“Thank you again very much for your plans. I have printed all the plans and read everything. They are so easy to understand. I will start working on this boat as soon as possible, maybe in 2 weeks. I am very happy!”
Radu Talasman, Romania

“A few days ago I downloaded the plans for the 14 Garvey flex. I think the plans are very easy to understand and I guess I’ll get started with the building in my easter vacations.”
Jan-Ove Knudsen, Germany

“Hi Morten
Though I am Danish, I will write to you in English, so that others may understand, if you post these comments on your site:
I have bought 2 sets of plans from your site, and the buying process is actually very simple and straight forward. The site offers very higt detail on what you are about to buy and i have not regrettet my purchase for a second, that is for sure.
The plans I have recived are very detailed and offers a great set of buildingplans even including a step by step assembly guide….very nice. Both the plans I have chosen consists of over 20 single sheets of plans each, showing every imaginable detail of the boat. I have bought plans from 2 other designers and I must say that the plans I got here, are by far, the best quality and the most detailed. Thank you!
I am looking forward to building the 2 boats. The first one this winter. I have build stich & glue boats before and I think it is a great passtime and of cause a joy to be able to sail a boat you have build your self. I own a 25 foot motorboat which I have refittet and restored completely. My first homemade boat was a dinghy to tow behind our 25 footer. I bought the plans and build the boat in just 25 hours, so I was hooked.
You can build the boats alone or with your kids (save the epoxywork) and you will really fast, see some results.
This is great. Thank you very much!”
Peter Søndergaard, Skive – Denmark

“Thank you for producing such a well documented set of plans for the 27ft Cruiser. I was amazed at high detail given the cost of the plans. The associated boat building course I have also found to be most useful and will no doubt refer to it more at a later date when I start building (in the warmer weather).”
Alan Stenning, United Kingdom

“The plans are really good and easy to follow. The Boat buiding Master Course is great and will make it a lot easier to build. I will certainly send you some pictures.”
David Layton, Australia

“I was very pleased of the quick action regarding the ordering of your plans. The plans I purchased are very clear and were everything I expected of it.
Finally I care to thank you, for the interest that you are giving to your customers, I think that it shows a lot of respect and professionalism toward you customers.”
Vincent Meert, Belgium

“Thank you for all the information. I am interested in the Sea Scout plan that you have. I have downloaded everything that you have available for that boat. Thank you for providing such accurate plans for free on your website, it really shows that you love what you do.”
Gavin Tweedie, USA

“I have had the opportunity to review the plans in detail plus read the beginners and master building courses. I am quite impressed with the thoroughness and quality of the materials. They are well worth the price and very complete.”
Curtis Pack, USA

“I just downloaded your boat plans and it looks great, easy to understand, excellent details and measurements. They are worth every dollar I paid for it!”
Karsten Knieriemen, Germany

“Thank you kindly the plans were well received. The drawings and plans were very simple to read and understand.”
Kashmir Singh, South Africa

“The Plans for the 17′ Motorboat are easy to understand. First thing I did was creating a model from the plans out of paper.”
Paul Kersbergen, The Netherlands

“I thought the information was first rate and very useful. The plans are very clear and the price very attractive. Your web site is one of the most useful.”
Gerald Williams, USA

“I have not started building yet but have studied the plans and found them to be very useful in my project. I took your plans and calculated dimension changes and am building a boat to put in the wall of our guest bathroom. Thank you for your excellent customer service, it is nice to communicate with someone who cares this much about their product/customer.”
Bruce White, USA

“I finally finish my 15′ Dinghy from your plans. Today, my son and I took the Dingy out on her first main voyage. Overall, the boat is very responsive, stable enough to stand up to change places (bow-stern), low draft (4-5 inches), and easy to launch. I think it will be a great fishing boat around the bay and mangroves here in Florida. Thanks Morten for a well designed dinghy.”
Jon Baldia, USA

“Having not started the build yet, I have ‘skimmed’ through the master courses, as even your plans looked a bit daunting to a complete amateur like me (never attempting anything like this before). But they are a god send, I was a bit worried about the epoxy and glass tape factors of the build, but having just flicked through the boatbuilding master course, I have to say they pretty much, instill confidence and the belief that building your own boat isn’t that difficult after all. 
But seriously, they do go about answering most questions or any doubts about how to do certain tasks, they are a great help and a must for someone like myself (first time builder or novice).” 
Clint Gray, England

“Thank you for the boat building courses. A new builder like myself benefits from all the help I can get! I am enjoying the process of building my boat and your plans have been very good.”
Neil Jensen, USA

“I printed the plans. Looks good. I wish to congratulate you for using digital pathways to offer your plans! At last a boat designer that make use of digital highway.”
Dr. K. Vandenbroucke, Belgium

“I have really enjoyed building this boat, I am keen to build something else, should anyone approach me about building another boat from I would do so.”
Paul Johnstone, Thailand

“I’d also like to comment on what our designer Morten has been like to deal with thus far, in a word great! Morten I truly appreciate your efforts, you have been a dream to deal with.”
Rick Barton, USA

“Thanks for the great plans we enjoyed very much building the 16′ pirogue. It tracks unbelievably well and has a payload to accommodate my brothers family of 4 well.”
Nathan Fors, USA

“We have already greatly enjoyed the boat and we are certain she will be great for years to come. The few times that we have had her in the water “Reunion” has been very sturdy indeed. Loaded up with my entire family we still had nearly eleven inches of gunwale to the water line! That flat bottom really does give you a lot of displacement capacity! It took my novice crew and I a little bit to get down the technique required to handle her well, but after a few hours of practice, we could put her just about where ever we wanted to take her.”
Eric Fors, USA

“We found your plans quite easy to follow although we made a few changes. We are attaching a few pictures. We hope you like the finished product as much as we do. Thanks so much for the plans and help. We will definitely visit your site when we am ready to build a different boat.”
Russell Thielemann and Mark Calizar, Philippines

“I was impressed with the way your design handled. With a 9.9 HP outboard on it you need some weight in the bow if you are by yourself. Other wise it is fine. I had a lot of compliments on the boat.”
Norman J. Connors, USA

“Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I put the boat in the water at Lake Sebu yesterday and was very impressed. Even after the changes that I made and by adding some frame stiffeners etc. the boat still draws very little water. It performed wonderfully and my wife was thrilled with how stable it is in the water.”
Russell Thielemann, Philippines

“It’s very nice to row, it’s fast and easy. It is also easy to car top. I don’t know the exact weight, but it’s no problem for two to put it on the car. There is enough room to sit comfortably on the front and on the back seats. We didn’t sail far from the backwater because of quite big waves and wind in that lake. In general I’m very happy about the row boat.”
Justinas Pleikys, Lithuania

“I love the plans and I can’t wait to try this boat on our backwaters here in Florida.”
Jon Baldia, USA

“The boat handels well. On the first river float we took it down an Ozark tributary called the Little Sac. There are plenty of shallows and riffles with some tendency for log jams, but it is a small inconvenience to access a rarely floated stream. The OFB fit the bill. Loaded with myself, my son and my older brother, Eric totalling >500 pounds. In the wost shallows one of us would have to get out if it were ankle deep or so.

The boat handles readilly on the river or lake, responding quickly to a back paddle for steering. Every boat is a compromise, and this one wins out big time in stability, comfort and room.”
Nathan Fors, USA

“The 40′ Tugboat – Take five was delivered to us in Rotterdam, Holland. We sailed the boat home to Norway crossing the North Sea. I must really approve this design. Morten did a distinctive job designing this boat. It handles extremely well at sea and it sails like a dream. My biggest compliment for the design.”
Magne Steinset, Norway

“I have received the plans. I must admit that I am surprised to see how good they are, thank you.”
Armagan Cem Bayramoglu, Turkey

“I received the Manuals and I want to thank you. They will be very useful.”
Ivan Spreicer, Croatia

“I recently purchased boat plans for the 10′ Dinghy and the 12′ Garvey flex. Which are excellently presented and very easy to understand.”
Clint Gray, England

“The speedboat performs well other then I am having a problem with my starter on the outboard. I have a 75hp old model Chrysler, 3 cylinder. With that the boat does a average of 39.1 MPH (34 knots) a few times it was 39.7 MPH (34.5 knots) according to my GPS. It tracks well without any runners or skegs…”
Jay Proof, USA